As I sit in front of the blank screen, I'm asking myself why I'm writing this post. Well, first, writing a blog helps me clarify thoughts, ideas, hopes, dreams and concerns. The blogging process lets me explore and bring to the fore what's been percolating in my heart or resonating in my head. Sometimes it's cathartic; sometimes it answers questions with which I'm wrestling. Most times, I merely want to share what's on my mind.
Today's post is my way of articulating what I hope we'll accomplish, or at least, be heading resolutely toward in 2012. The list is not exhaustive nor is this my "Encyclical" to the church (as if I even had that place, authority or influence in the imagine community, or thought it important). I know, too, that imagine/Northampton is God's to do with as he wishes. I want him to be glorified in, through and by what we do: "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." He's the point. He's the means. He's the end. Ours is to obey what he desires.
Having said the above, I'm just sharing my heart a little bit:
1. We'd move to a new place where we could worship through song, where there's room enough to grow, play music with a Worship Team, and have a better place for imagineKIDS.
2. imagine/Northampton would grow, especially from new believers.Those who stay would be be plugged in and using their gifts in the Kingdom mission we have.
3. Young or new leaders would emerge and be equipped to take responsibility in leading the imagine mission in some way.
4. A Creative Arts Team would coalesce, and add to the quality, beauty and impact of our worship as well as connecting to Northampton and its arts community.
5. The CHAPTER TWO of imagine/Northampton's story (CHAPTER ONE being we're planting a church - we're planted), would be told and established effectively.
6. We'd take productive steps toward the vision of a 3rd Place in Northampton.
7. We'd grow our base of supporters, including internally.
8. 1FlightUP (our jazz trio) would establish a place in the Pioneer Valley arts community and make a difference.
9. All of us in imagine/Northampton be emboldened to graciously help anyone discover the God who is far more than they imagine.
10. Our ministry to kids would develop into one of the main reasons families come to imagine.
11. All of us would have a deepened love for Jesus, his way of life, and for people who don't know him.
12. The inward/OUTWARD Missional Small Group beginning in January would launch and establish a model for imagine's small group missional culture.
May it be as He has given, and may the above, be at the very least, a part of what He's given.